Gender Disappointment HELP

from family. Will it ever die down? I'm 28 weeks pregnant and we found out she was a girl at 15 weeks. My husbands family and my own wanted boy (me and my husband wanted a girl). Over the holidays my sister had her daughter so that adds another girl. Throughout my pregnancy I've dealt with an overbearing mother in law who continues to buy boy clothes "just in case it's a boy" now that she finally accepted she's a girl she keeps saying "I just know you'll get pregnant before she's a year old, and I bet that's when it'll be a boy." Okay. 2 things. 1. I only want one child, it's all I've ever wanted. Of course there's accidents but I've told her (after she's asked when we're gonna have another) that 1 child is what I want. 2. Why the fuck are we ALREADY discussing another pregnancy. Dude, I'm still making the first one. The holidays have been rough bc it's like it's what anyone talks about. I was babysitting a boy today and my grandma was like "oh we need a little boy, maybe you'll get it next time, right Dakota?" as she winked at my husband. WHY IS NO ONE SATISFIED WITH MY CHILD AND HER GENDER. I know they don't have to be satisfied bc it's not their child but damn, why can't they keep their mouths shut about it. My other grandma wouldn't talk to me after we found out she was a girl and is currently doing the same to my cousin. She talks to me now but if the baby comes up you better bet she's saying something about needing a boy. Anyone else going through this, this far along. I love my little baby so much and it hurts that all these people act like she's not good enough. When will it end?