trouble with the in-laws...

Honestly it's just my MIL.... She seems to LOVE being a grandmother to my step son. But she HATES my step sons mother. My step sons mother and I are actually friends and my MIL discourages it constantly. It helps my step son so I bit the bullet and got to know her - and I'm thankful I did..
She doesn't care about my pregnancy at all. She told me it wasn't a big deal because I'm having a boy and she already has a grandson.... she said if I was having a girl it would matter. 
I let it go and just ignore her. My husband spoke to her and supposedly "fixed" it. Well now his brother makes fat jokes about me and my MIL just laughs with him. My husband hasn't been around when the fat jokes are made - but he has said something to both of them. Now they are not welcome in our home unless she starts showing me respect. I felt like that made sense - but I also feel like my husband will regret it later and hold it against me even though it was his choice.
I don't have a mom to help me - she died 16 years ago. And my MIL constantly reminds me that I don't have a mom and that she wants to be that for me .. but she says she can't because I'm too self sufficient and independent.... wtf?
Can someone just please tell me I'm not crazy for being hurt by all of this? Or possibly explain why I shouldn't be so hurt?? Also I'm a FTM..... so may be that's why it hurts so much..