Strippers against Sexualization

Annapants • Wife/Mother/Musician - together with my best friend for 6 years and our little Eleanor was born 11/14/16.
I have a good friend who is a stripper.  She got a boob job to take in more money and she has told me on several occasions she does 'jobs' for soft core porn.  This is her evening job and she tells me all the time she loves this job.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE- all day she will post stuff in Facebook against the sexualizing of women, of breasts, butt...etc.  She will get in very heated discussions with people how breasts are exclusively for children.
I'm a believer in the equality of men and women in every scenario.  I believe women can do whatever they want jobwise.  I also, on a side note, believe breasts are for babies first and foremost.
What I'm really trying to understand is how you can preach against women being sexualized but hold a job where that exclusively happens - and claim you love it.  I have asked her and she kinda shutdown on me for a week and so I dropped it because I wasn't trying to start something or hurt feelings, I just really am interested in an answer and peoples' standpoints.