Single mom 3 kids 2 bedrooms

I'm about to become a single mom with 3 kids my boys will be not even a year apart and my daughter will be 4 in March my question is I finally found a place but it's only 2 bedroom so my question is how can I manage currently we live in a 2 bdrm home but it's me Nd 2 kids so I'm stuck on do I give my daughter a room to herself and me and the boys share since one will be 1 year shortly after baby 3 is born and they both still get up at night or do I put my daughter in my room and the boys in their own since the law is 2 per room unless under age one

At first I thought daughter with me so she can have a girly room and boys and all toys in the other since they really could care less.

Then I faced the fact that my daughter sleeps in my bed with me again since her dad left. But I'll be breast feeding baby due any day and my son who is small for his age still gets up 2x a night for a bottle

No hate please I was married and he planned baby 3 not me and then decided to leave. And I can't get government assistance so a 2 bed room is all I can afford. A 3 bedroom adds 250 plus more a month and I don't want to get it thinking I can do it and fail so I'm playing it safe

What would u do?