Marijuana and miscarriage


Im currently going through my second chemical pregnancy in a row. With both I've experienced full on pregnancy symptoms accompanied by the most obvious one for me which is swollen noticeably larger breast. Never fails.

I also had a blighted ovum at 12 weeks pregnant around the same time last year when we weren't trying to concieve. The miscarriage was so painful I ended up passing out in a pool of my own blood in our bathtub. Husband rushed me to the ER where I continued the miscarriage naturally.

Now, I have a medical marijuana license and was a heavy user last year when I first discovered I was pregnant the first time. Since then I've eased off alot and my doctor told me recently that using in small amounts shouldnt affect anything. I think I need a second opinion. I've done an extensive amount of research that miscarriages are usually due to "chromosomal abnormalities" which marijuana is said to sometimes cause.

Im 25 and very healthy. Im able to concieve almost immediately every time they just dont stick.. I've stopped smoking in hopes to see a difference in the future..

And just so you know.. I don't smoke marijuana for the "high" its to help ease symptoms of PTSD (due to another life event not pertaining to this)

Has anyone else been through this? I feel so alone. The physical and emotional pain is unreal..

Mahalo for your time and wish you all the best.