nervous 😳

So my baby shower is in 3 weeks. So i've had the invitations sent out for a good 6 weeks now. Well it had my registry on it. Well i check my registry every now and then, plus update it. NO ONE HASNT BOUGHT ANYTHING OFF OF IT 🙈 i'm super nervous because we are SET on clothes. Me & my boyfriend have him clothed up to 6 months. We have bunches on blankets, changing table, car seat & stroller, his sleeping thing he is going to sleep in, and my boyfriends mom bought us a swing. So my baby shower was needed for diapers, first aid kit, shower stuff, shower sling, lotion, destin, changing pad, walker, some toys and a baby front/back carrier. I'm super nervous we are going to get just clothes. I hope they come with receipts. I hate being rude, but it's just frustrating. We still did a baby shower because we still need a majority of stuff  but not big stuff plus clothes. Hopefully it turns out okay.Â