No one said anything about pain

✨Rae✨ • Genesis 30:22-23 💙🌈 #RainbowBabyMason
So I found out yesterday that I was 6 weeks (a week behind what I thought) and holy moley I feel like I'm never going to be not in pain! I have the worst back pain! Sometimes it's not so bad and other times it's extremely painful. I read it's probably the hormones loosening everything up but man can yall warn the FTMs 😂😂 I have slight scoliosis so not sure if that is where the pain is coming from. Any ideas on how to make it better? My dr didn't seemed concerned about my back but I'm definitely going to bring it up again at my next appointment. All they say is to take it easy. I'm a secretary and all I do is sit and it still hurts 😩