I have PCOS, I'm nearly 3 weeks late but I'm having negative hpts, I have a lot of pain in my left ovary area..

Georgia • 21 years old. Alison 17/01/16💖 Diesel🐶💙 16/06/17👼🏻💜 26/10/17👼🏻💜 30/01/18👼🏻💜 Henry 16/11/18💙 15/11/20 👼🏻👼🏻💜
I have PCOS, I'm nearly 3 weeks late but I'm having negative hpts, I have a lot of pain in my left ovary. I found out I had PCOS last time I was pregnant and I had the same pain. I was about 5 weeks pregnant when I lost the baby. But I had positive tests etc.. This time I'm not having any positive tests but I'm really confused! I have a lot of symptoms but still no BFP. I'm worried about the pain incase I am..
Has anyone had anything like this before?