Husband in delivery room?

Crys • Pastry chef, animal lover, beach bum, nonstop reader
Who has not had their husband or significant other in the delivery room?  Let me start with I love my husband but let's just say if I cut my finger all bets are off on him helping me.  He's not one who can handle blood, guts, and all that fun stuff.  Plus I have to say I have unfortunately had the pleasure of having him be with my in the hospital for other issues and he's one of those guys who are like oh just relax, which we all know just makes you want to rip their head off. I know he means well.  I just know when I was in the ER this pas May feeling like death he was supportive but like not as supportive as I would feel like my mom would be- does that make sense?
So I wanted to hear from women who didn't or don't plan on having their husbands in the room when they deliver.  Who are you planning on having in there with you?