Hubby Being a Major Jerk Since BFP?!?

Alright so we have been TTC for seven months and after a MC in September, I got my BFP the day before New Years. Husband has two kids and I have one so we have planned and prayed for one together. He never really seemed very excited after I gave him the positive test. And ever since he's been a major jerk to me! He's voluntarily working extra long hours so I hardly see him now too. It's like he finds reasons to pick fights and not be around me. Last night he slept on the couch... his reason was because I put his clean laundry on his side of the bed and he didn't have any where to sleep. 😖
I realize I'm probably sensitive and emotional being preggers.  Has this happened to anyone else?! Is his how men show they are nervous and stressed?!  I don't think its excusable either way. What do I dooooooo????