Ttc after miscarriage last year.

Last night me and my husband were doing a little drinking. It's safe to say I was a little saucy, but nothing I can't normally handle. This morning I wake up out of my sleep vomitting uncontrollably. Emptied my stomach to the point of puking pure enzyme. Anyway after vomitting like 10-15 times I finally just passed out on the floor in the bathroom. Once I gain my strength back I climbed in bed and fell asleep. So I wake up to go use the bathroom, I wipe and I see blood. Omg omg omg. Note my period was about 2 half weeks ago. I'm over looking on webmd and googling my syptoms. Am I pregnant or dying 😮😮😲😲 Ladies any input, also I'm not on any birth control and me and the hubby do tango quite often. Honest opinions and positivity good vibes to you all 😊😊😊