Worried, Abnormal Blood Cells???

40 days now, and I still haven't had a period. Went to my Gynecologist and had to do my yearly check last month, was my first time...and it HURT!! of course they gave me a pregnancy test...and by that time I'd already taken 4, 3 of which were negative and one that was broken...making the one with the Dr. My 5th...which was also negative. My results came back from the scrapping...and they said it was a negative....which is good...I guess. Then they told me that I did have a few blood cells that were abnormal but that I didn't have to go back for another year....I did quit birth controll 3 months ago...almost 4. But they told me if i don't have a period again to go back and see them....I'm pretty anxious...and worrird. I would like to eventually have a baby, but I feel like it's looking like I won't be able to....