plz help anyone had this happen.

Chelsea • Oliver-James 19/05/2016💙 Harvey-Kai 27/08/2017 💙Darling husband 14/02/2013 💙 💋perfect💋
Today I am meant to be 4 weeks 3 days. Last night I took a CB WEEKS. it indicated I was 3+ making me 5+weeks pregnant. My mum has fraternal twins so I was super scared. I've heard the first morning urine is the best to do it with. I did another with my first morning urine and it showed 2-3 (WHICH IS WHAT IT SHOULD SHOW AT) 
•should I believe the 2-3 one as I did that one with the first morning urine and is correct. 
•the 3+ I did with the last pee of the night and is completely out by a week. Thanks. 
•I have had no cramping at at, no bleeding at all