First ultrasound ends in tears

My husband and I went in this morning for our first ultrasound to see and hear our little blueberry and had two surprises. Our ultrasound tech visualized my uterus and the baby (but obviously couldn't say anything) and everything looked good. Then she got to the heartbeat, she asked to feel my pulse and was having problems then she was able to find one and it was 71 (baby's HR). She then started typing into the computer and it said that our EDD was 9/4 and we are only 6 weeks and 1 day. We had been told previously we were 8 weeks and 3 days so that was shocking. Then she told us she needed to have the doc come speak to us (that's always scary). The high risk MD came in and introduced himself and asked us a bunch of questions...have I had any bleeding at all? None. Have I been having severe or one sided cramping? No just light and intermittent. Then he asked what symptoms I had been having...recent nausea w/o vomiting and being exhausted all the time. He explained that babies heart rate was very low and that COULD be concerning. He said either we weren't far along enough and that's why the heart rate was low and hard to hear OR that we were going to be having a miscarriage. They didn't even give us an ultrasound picture. :( I have been crying off and on ever since thinking the worse. We asked if there was anything we could do and he said no. We are going back for another ultrasound next Tuesday and I'm so terrified. He told us to call him and gave us his cell in case anything weird or miscarriage-like happened before then. Please send any info you have about similar situations/advice/prayers for us and our little one. We love him/her so much already and I don't think I could handle telling our parents it didn't end well.