Feeling sick all day everday?

Hey there, so this is my second pregnancy and I've just seriously been having troubles keeping food down and feeling very well and was hoping for some outside input. I wake up feeling absolutely horrid, likely from sleeping and not eating during the 6 or 7 hours I sleep. Im a stay at home mom so I get up with my 16 month old son and all the moving around sends me straight to the bathroom. I try to eat in the morning but thats been the hardest, I rarely can keep anything I eat in the morning down. Then the rest of the day its give or take if I will keep it down or not, a lot depending on how much Im up and about. Ive tried talking to my dr about it and she just says its normal and that it will pass, but Im barely able to take care of my son right now with how often Im getting sick. I also have tried preggo pops, increasing liquids, eating right before bed, snacks in the middle of the night, eating more, eating less.. Im 11 weeks now so ideally this will pass soon but I was sick for over half my 2nd trimester with my first, I just didnt have a son to take care of then. Any thoughts would be great, thank you!