Do I call the doctor or no?


I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and wasn't feeling well. I am 39 weeks and they said my blood pressure is high. They checked my cervix, still only 1 cm, and swept my membranes. I immediately started to feel crampy & went home and took a nap. Woke up, ate, and started feeling light headed and tight chested around midnight, when I also started having contractions. They are of varying intensity, but all are a minute or so long and anywhere from 3 to 7 minutes apart. At 2:30 I got in bed with my husband and have tried several positions, but can't sleep from the contractions and chest tightness. It almost feels like when I used to get panic attacks but for no reason.

I just don't want to be told to go to the hospital and it be another false alarm. 😩😩😩