Am I pregnant or what?

I've always been a regular chick when it came to my period. And all of a sudden last year, it was anywhere from 1-3 days early or late. The first day of my last period was December 2, which was two days late. Please keep in mind that I use several apps to track my cycle. My next period (according to my normal personal history and apps)was to begin between December 29th and 30th. It didn't come but given the fact that the last one was two days late, I brushed it off. After New Year's I used a home test. It gave me a negative result. Then I researched reasons why and it said I may have tested too soon. I'm real paranoid so I quickly scheduled an appointment, which isn't until next week. And all of a sudden, this morning I began bleeding. Not like a full, normal period yet but it is still early. It just began literally almost two hours ago. I cleaned up and put on a pad but I've only since had one little burst of output of blood. So, now I'm wondering if I'm having a period, or a miscarriage, or if this is the unusual but possible, normal bleeding while pregnant. A little over five years ago, while pregnant with my son, I had what I considered a period. It was slightly shorter and lighter than normal but it seemed pretty regular otherwise. And it came on time as my period was supposed to. I read that it was possibly implantation bleeding and I didn't find out until an entire month later after what was supposed to be a missed period that I was actually pregnant. Lately I've been quite fatigued and my appetite has picked up. I've also been having headaches and breakouts on my face, as with my previous pregnancies. But I'm really freaking out over here with such few symptoms, and a period almost two weeks late, and then this sudden bleeding that began!!!!!!! Yeah. I'm really freaking out over here. I have to know if I'm pregnant or not but I don't trust the home test. I need concrete confirmation. Somebody...anybody, help.