Testing Feelings

Had a scare this cycle. DH got a little worried. I knew everything was fine but he still insisted I test. I agreed to test on cycle day 35. So 5 days late according to Glow. I'm not sure how late works since I'm irregular. My cycle ranges between 28-34 days. A year ago I had two cycles that were 41 days but generally it lasts 28-34 days. So I consider 35 days late. I am on day 35 today and it still hasn't shown. I tested and it was negative to our relief. We aren't ready yet, but could be if it were to happen. And for some reason the anxious waiting for my period I got a little hopeful that it wouldn't come, like a weird conscious feeling even tho I know I don't want a baby yet. I have too much going on. New puppy, finishing getting my degree, house keeping, full time job. Like NO to the baby. But when I saw that negative I got a huge rush of disappointment and relief at the same time. Like two really confusing conflicting feelings. When DH got home I had the dollar store test on the counter with some candy. And he said "I guess I'm Kinda happy it's negative" and I laughed and said "me too" but then told him about my conflicting feelings and he said he has the same thing but he knows it's too hard right now. Anyone else get these weird conflicting feelings?