
Vegans please help me understand why a lot of vegans are so aggressive or rude??? Like, people that eat meat don't force it on them. They just live their lives normal. I whole heartedly respect vegans views and don't try to ever make them feel uncomfortable, but I feel like some vegans will voice their opinion so quickly. My friend is vegan, and it's gotten to the point where I don't even tell her what I ate... like ever, trying to avoid her saying that what I ate was nasty or gross. It's just so thoughtless on her part. I spoke to her about it, and told her how she made me feel and she got an attitude and we didn't speak for like a week.... like??? I've even seen posts about eating meat, and a vegan will come in just to say they are vegan.... I feel like if they are vegans, then what was the point of even coming in the post in the first place? Help me out here?? I'm asking a genuine question.