HELP PLEASE 7 week baby wont settle?

My baby girl will not settle of a night time, she's on 5 and half oz of aptamil hungry baby milk with gripe water in her bottles. Throughout the day she goes 3/4 hours but I don't let her go over 4 hours. She has a oz/2 oz of boiled water a day as well. I take her for walks in the day so she gets fresh air, I bath her off a night time, she has playtime, she has a dirty nappy every tea time. She has a fed and won't settle (only at night time) sometimes she won't settle for 2-4 hours so then she needs feeding again tonight she had a fed at 9:30pm didn't settle till 12 then woke up at 3:45, had a fed at 4am its now 6:30am and she's still not settled. She spits milk up so I tried lowering her ozs but then she doesnt settle again, I sit her on her bouncer chair so she is sat up right when she gets Feds, I wind her loads but she doesn't give it up easily, she has a dummy to soothe her. She is not bringing her legs up to her chest in pain so I don't think it's colic.. any advice please would be great