low hcg

4 weeks 1 day: 88
4w 3D: 123
4w 5d: 163
I should also note I ovulated on cd 15 at earliest. NP at my office said 100% going to be mc. (No spotting, bleeding, or cramping. Am now 5w 2 days)Was extremely upset as we had been trying a while and had 2 glasses of wine. Made appt to see OB next morning as I was told I needed a d&c most likely. My OB was shocked the NP said this and stated we should never have been checking my levels so frequently and there is still a chance all is good. He is going to have a talk with her as he has never had this problem and he has worked with her for 14 years. He said I must have said something to trigger her to keep checking them. So not the case! I must also note, I am an NP myself, in a way different field, but I would never order unnecessary tests or labs just because! So no more levels and now doing Us on 6 week mark. Such an emotional roller coaster, and I had wine thinking I was for sure going to mc. Ugh!!! What do you ladies think of all of this? Any success stories with low Hcgs?