I honestly don't know how we didn't just die

So my SO and I.... oh my god? I can't even fathom how we AT LEAST didn't mess up the car. It was supposed to be freezing rain today, the roads were okay. Well, not the bridges. We were going about 45mph and I noticed how this dude was swerving into our lane and he came full head onto us flying, we slid and spun and it happened so fast and SO slow. I had many thoughts in those 10 seconds, my SO was calmly conversing with me while gaining control of the car "it's going to be okay, we are okay" and I thought we were gonna go off the bridge. We stopped like an inch away from the bridge wall.  At first I thought we were about to die. My body still hurts from bracing myself so hard. We both cried almost all the way home dude. That sucked. Ps, the other dude got away scotch free too. And I keep thinking about this over and over again, how close we got to hitting the other car, how close we came to flying off the bridge or at least slamming into it? How our car was completely out of control and flying ALL OVER the place? How?? How??