baby daddy/ due date confusion !!

Please help!! The first due date given to me was July 1st, 2016 based off an ultrasound at 8 weeks. Therefore, I conceived in early October so I assumed the father was a man I was sleeping with then. Well the DNA results came in and it's negative for him. The ONLY other person id slept with was August 23rd. My periods were messed up because of birth control so I don't know that. My due date based off that would've been may 20th, that doesn't make sense! My second ultrasound at 10 weeks gave me the due date of June 20th, which still leaves me a month off. Is this even possible?! To be an entire month off?! I was induced and my body still wouldn't respond and go into labor so I was being induced for 2 days until they finally got my body to respond so I'm thinking maybe because I'm so young (18) my body didn't have a period for long enough to develop and know to put myself into labor?? I'm not sure. When I did finally give birth the doctors commented on how it seems like she had been in there far too long. Is it possible that my due date was an entire MONTH off?? Someone please help!