TTC help why am I not getting pregnant??!!??

Getting pretty frustrated now!!  Help please!!
My husband and and I have been ttc for almost 3 years. Last September I got pregnant after almost 2 years for trying and we were so happy!! All to have our lives shaddered on Thanksgiving when I had a miscarriage.  We have been trying ever since and things are not working in our favor.  People always told me you would get pregnant easily after your miscarriage.  It's been over a year now since our miscarriage...why am I not getting pregnant!!!
We have just started clomed that is suppose to help you ovulate but I still don't get many positive ovulating tests and even trying on those days I'm not getting pregnant.  
My husband has a child from a previous marriage and we did get pregnant before so we know it all works but why am I not getting pregnant???? 😭 
I'm worried that we are getting older and will not be able to have a child.  I'm almost 35 and my husband is almost 40.  
Any suggestions, tricks, anything we will take and try!!