Started using glow about 2 weeks ago

Started using glow about 2 weeks ago. Been trying to have a baby for about a year and a half. Suffered two MCs one of which was immediately after the removal of mirena. Significant MC was april 2016 at 7 weeks. Started spotting the day before my confirmation appt. I immediately went to the doctor, test came back positive ans was sent home saying if it was a MC there is nothing they could do.  Went to my confirmation appt, cervix was still closed but baby could not be seen. I was sent for a more intensive UC. They were still not able to see the baby but because my cervix was still closed they said everything looked fine and that it may just be too early.  Went home nervous but hopeful.  The next morning around 3am i woke up to sharp pains in my lower abdomen.  I went to use the bathroom and felt like i was going to pass out.  I called my husband to come to the bathroom to help me get off the toilet and the next thing I knew he was shaking me on the floor, sounding completely scared asking if I was ok.  I called the doctor and was told to go to ER if it got any worse, but the made an appointment for me for later that morning.  I woke up again at 6am to get our two girls ready for school and half way through I had to ask my mom for help because I needed to use the bathroom (mom did not know I was preggers, no one did except for hubby and I). Got the the bathroom and felt like my insides fell into the toilet, i looked and there it was, what was supposed to be the 2 two months old baby i'm holding right now instead of writing this post was in the toilet.  I was devastated!!! But here i am right now 4 weeks and 6 days and hoping for a happy beggining this time around!