baby kicks

Y'all I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow, this is my first baby. I was literally in the middle of playing a game. Hubby laying with his head on my leg cause he likes to be close to baby and baby gets jealous when not getting attention from Daddy. Well I get a quick sharp like pain like somebody stabbed me with a fork real quick and start hollering ow for a second then it stops, minute later it happens again so I lean back, take hubbys hand and put it to the above but to the right of my belly button but a little bit under my rib cage and hold it there and sure enough there goes another one. I was seriously in tears crying and laughing because it scared me but it was hard enough it knocked the wind out of me for a minute. I think this went on for about 2-5 minutes. It seriously scared the hell out of me. It WAS NOT BRAXTON HICKS and no being 14 weeks is not to early for the baby to kick. It was not a cramp, it was a kick. A full blown kick. 5 different times under my ribs. NOT NEAR MY UTERUS!!