FTM starting out with cloth- review my stash plan??

So I am 28 weeks with our first baby and am going to cloth diaper, hopefully from the start. I feel like I've read hundreds of articles and posts online to try to figure out how to go about starting our stash. We are planning to mainly purchase covers and use prefolds/ inserts separately. It seems like most cloth diaper reviews are so dependent on the specific mother and baby- almost every big name brand has reviews that say they are the worst ever and leaked terribly, and reviews that say they're the best and they bought 50 of them in every pattern. Right now I am planning to buy a couple of several different brands to be able to try them out. Can some more experienced cloth diapering mamas look over this plan and tell me what they think? I don't have anyone in my life who has used cloth and I have solely relied on the Internet for advice to come up with the plan I have. I could use some advice! 
So on my registry I have:
2 Thirsties Snap Duo size one
2 Charlie Banana reusable size one (I know this is an AIO)
2 Flip covers
2 Rumparooz Snap covers
2 Alva Covers
1 Best Bottom Cover/ Shell
For inserts I have:
6 total hemp inserts (Thirsties brand)
16 bamboo inserts (Adovely)
6 Osocozy cotton prefolds and 6 heavyweight cotton Gerber prefolds (I planned to use them folded as inserts)
Any suggestions are appreciated! I am trying to buy once and not purchase again for as long as possible. I am also planning to wash at least every other day.