sinus infection and nine weeks pregnant

Hey all! So on Friday I found out that I had a sinus infection, I was given some amoxicillin to take, and that it should clear up with some additional robutusin. However, on Saturday I developed a fever and my symptoms seems to be getting worse so when my fever wouldn't go down by Sunday I went to the hospital and found out I had a UTI 😩 so they took my off the antibiotic that was helping my sinus infection and placed me on something to target my UTI. No my sinus infection is still driving me crazy. I can't breathe at night because my nose is so stuffed and my chest hurts from this deep cough that I have. I guess I'm just wondering who else has taken robutusin while they were pregnant? I'm scared because I was reading and saw that you shouldn't take it during the first trimester.