Trust your bodies!


I was told my entire life that I couldn't get pregnant. I've been on birth control my entire life. Just got off of it 3 months ago not expecting to get pregnant. Basically put in my head that I can't, so there is no need to even be cautious. It even got to the point where I tried to convince myself that I didn't want kids. Just didn't want to have that disappointment and heart wrenching feeling of not being able to have what I really wanted..a baby.

3 months later off of birth control and I am now almost 2 months! Didn't know I was pregnant. I was sitting on the couch one day and an instant overwhelming feeling came over me..I didn't feel like myself. I Not in a bad nor good way. I just felt out of it. That lasted for about a few weeks then the fatigue and constant hunger hit. I knew something was up. First home test after being 4 days late, came back slightly positive so I went to my Dr. to get a blood test and urine test done. Both negative. Took some more home tests...all negative. I gave up. I was disappointed. I guess I couldn't really have kids.

Then 9 days after my missed period, I had this intense lower back pain to where I couldn't even lay on my back..I also had very tender breasts. My boyfriend told me something wasn't right and had me take a test the next morning.

Instant BFP. Didn't even have to wait. I was more thrown back thinking maybe it was wrong..again. Another doctors visit, urine test, and blood test later, I am 7 1/2 weeks and have my first appointment on Monday! Never give up ladies! Trust your bodies, the doctor's aren't always right :)