Grandmother a little too excited?

So, my husband was essentially raised by his grandmother and she's almost like my mother in law. Anyway, we told her and his grandfather about my pregnancy very early (I was just short of 7 weeks pregnant) because we were excited and would want the close family support if something bad happened. They were really excited, but we asked them not to tell anyone else yet because it's still early. My husband and I are having their first great-grandchild and they may not get another one for a while. (Husband's siblings/cousins are either still very young or not in a relationship.) They also never asked how far along I am, but they should have known it was super early from the copy of the sonogram we gave them.
Fast forward to last week; I was ~9.5 weeks along. A close friend of his grandparents and family passed away. Husband and I go to her wake for the PM section, because we both work. It turns out that she told *everyone* there in the earlier section of the wake. I was mortified. This was a time when I was supposed to be telling their family I was sorry for their loss, not taking the attention for myself. I needed to force myself not to smile too much, but I'm not a very social person in the first place. Now I know we can't tell them so early next time.
Ugh. I really just needed to get that off my chest.