Need advice??

I'm 32 weeks pregnant and I am so uncomfortable it's unreal. My baby is so low. I am on bed rest until I deliver. I went to the doctor yesterday as soon as she went in to check me his head is right there but my cervix is still high and dilated at a 1. And I have a lot of pressure. It's hard to walk. I've tried a warm shower warm bath laying down on my side with pillows I've tried standing. Nothing is helping. My midwife told me if the pressure get worse and he has a decrease in movement to go to the hospital. I feel like I have to use the restroom but nothing then the pressure will decrease and come back. He's still moving and omg it hurts down there. What did u do to help ur self more comfortable? I don't want to go to the hospital just to get sent home. I don't feel like he's trying to come. Also my midwife said if I'm still having contractions and making any progress at 34 weeks their not going to stop my labor anymore. I'm sorry my post is kind of all over the place. Any advice would be great. I'm willing to try anything at this point.