
So I'm 16 weeks pregnant and I've been announcing my pregnancy to my coworkers, friends, family etc. One of my coworkers asked me how my significant other felt about the baby and I mentioned that he was really excited and that he's already started to buy a few things for the baby. She goes on to tell me how we should wait until after 7 months because she had a miscarriage at 7 months and she had already purchased a lot of things for her baby. 
     Ummmm I understand her point of view and I get that she is just voicing her opinion but I don't think people realize how nervous that can make an expecting mom. Now she has me afraid to even buy anything because I don't want anything to happen. Ever since then I'm scared. Can you guys please just give me some words of encouragement that everything will turn out fine because I am so nervous and scared right now!