Need some Advice???

My LO is 8 weeks old almost 9 she has been really good when it comes to breastfeeding at first .So i breastfeed her during the day and formula at night time when she wakes up for feeding which is only once! In the last week or so theres been a couple of times that when i try to feed her she will be doing great for like 5-10mins when all of the sudden she will just start crying out of nowhere and just wont latch back on at all even if i change breast . At first i thought i might not be producing enough milk for her but when i check ill get squirts of milk or my breast will get all full and hard withing couples of hours so i pump..I know i can pump and bottle feed her but she was doing great at the begining with breast but now i dont know whats going on .  Has anyone else experience this??? She is my second LO i never breastfed my first so all this with breastfeeding is new ro me ..!