I'm so nervous!

I'm feeling in denial...like there's no way I'm pregnant, I must be testing wrong or reading wrong...I've had two positives that were faint lines and took closer to 10-15 min to develop. And then I got greedy and wanted to see the word "pregnant" on one of those digital tests, so I took that last night alongside one of the cheapy .88 Walmart tests. The cheapy was positive but the digital read "not pregnant". Have to say I was disappointed. And I was reading that the digitals aren't as sensitive especially if right before or during your missed period (they take a little longer to be accurate??), or maybe I'm off on my cycle dates, as I've only had one period since I got my IUD removed. Based on my cycle in Glow, my EDD would be 9/27.
And then I see others' digitals that read "pregnant 1-2" and I'm wondering why if I'm supposed to be getting my period about now and my other tests seem to be positive, why the digital is reading negative. 
I'm being ridiculous, I know...but this is all uncharted territory and I'm nervous!!!