
Did you know you were pregnant before you Actually found out you were ? Like what syptoms ?how soon Did you feel them? When did you test ? 
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I tested about a week before period was due and I only knew because my moods were really really bad. I mean I was so aggravated with everything and I'm always a happy person so I was odd to me I knew something was up


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I started crying every time I was happy or sad. I am NOT a cryer. Plus very slight morning sickness. I waited to miss a period before testing but I knew two weeks before I missed it. 


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Had a rash on my belly and it was SO just a feeling 


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I started bloating a lot around 4 weeks, my boobs were super sore and way more swollen than when I have my period so I just knew I was. I tested I think 3 or 4 days before I was due to have my period and got 3 positives. I have longer cycles so the day I tested I was already about 5 weeks 


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I was super tired... Soooo tired. I knew. 


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I had some serious very awful mood swings. Worse than ever before- except when I was pregnant with my first. I even told my husband I would be shocked if I wasn't. 


Ha • Jan 19, 2017
I would say they kicked in around 7-8dpo and I tested positive 11dpo


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I took a sip of wine and immediately felt sick to my stomach, and i like my wine. It was a few days before my missed period so I hadn't tested yet. When I did test it was positive.


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I had only one symptom- missed period. No other symptoms till 6 weeks when I started vomiting every 20 minutes. Then the bloating, severe constipation, boobs hurting, back psin, fatigue, iritability etc etc..but that was starting with 6 weeks.Only a missed period, reason why I tested- and it was positive