Pre-baby stress! Help!


So I am 32 weeks pregnant and as I was writing an update with my bump picture, I realized all of the stuff I still have to do before baby arrives.

I'm currently pretty sick with a nasty cold which isn't helping me be able to get all of this done either! I have her laundry sitting in a basket ready to be washed so I can pack her hospital bag, I have to pack my bag and make sure hubby's has what he needs for his. I need to go shopping for the last items I need to put in my bag, like pads (I'm actually going to buy always discreet underwear, seems like it would be easier lol) nursing bra and pajamas, ect. I have to get diapers for my little because I won't be able to have a baby shower until after she is born. Need to clean hubby's truck out so we can install her car seat and find out who can watch our dog for us when it's time!

Seems like so much to do and not enough time to get it done! I'm stressing out! Any tips to help me relax and get this done? I'm over 400+miles from family and my husband is a Marine who is gone for 14 hours a day 5, sometimes 6 days a week, so I'm mostly on my own. Help mama's, please!