Baby clothes

Deep sighs...😑😣😥

I'm a overwhelmed FTM who doesn't know how much baby clothes to buy. I bought all my baby clothes on sale and with only good deals. My most expensive item cost $8. I bought both new and shopped at Once upon a child. These baby girl clothes were so cute. Too cute to pass.

I bought:

10 nb onesies

10 0-3 onesies

10 3m onesies

10 3-6m onesies

5 6m onesies

2 9m onesies

2 12m onesies

10 3-6m leggings

Now I feel like I over did it. I don't know how fast babies will grow out of these clothes or how many onesies they'll go through a day. It's my first baby and as a concerned new mom, I want to be super prepared since I won't be having a baby shower. Please tell me this is okay and that I didn't spend money on clothes that won't be necessary.?! I was also confused about sizes...what is really the difference between 0-3/ 3/ and 3-6...sorry that might be a dumb question but I don't know. Also, I did find that Gerber onesies seem so much smaller compared to other brands even though they're the same size. How much did you buy for your first baby? Did your baby wear most of those clothes or did he/she outgrow them fast?

Thanks so much.

-Worried Mom