Sorry just needed to vent(not about glow)

Annelise • Mom of 5
I know this night sound terrible but I've seen some of the people becoming parents from the city I went to high school in. Even at 21/22 years old these people have not grown up at all. A lot of them don't work, party a lot, or are doing drugs. For some reason being in these situations they still choose to have children or accedently have children. I an a few others actually did something with our lives, got married, and planned our child responsibly. I am so glad we left that city because I don't want my child growing up in that type of inviorment with those type of people. Yes I know there will be bad parents every where  but I'm so happy my son will not be going to school with these kids. I remember how a lot of these people were in school and see how terrible they are even with children or baby's on the way and I can only imagine what their children will be like. We moved to a very safe town to raise our son. There is close to no crime rate here where as the city we were living in is constantly reporting shootings, stabbinga, school being shut down due to drugs. It's just terrible. Sorry I just needed to get this off my chest.