Ttc 3 months and this was my 2nd month charting

Amanda • Married and have our beautiful daughter 👨‍👩‍👧
Ttc 3 months and this was my 2nd month charting.   I felt great this month like it was our time!  We followed glow and a few other apps and I used bbt, cm, cervical position and texture, and opks.  Around 5-8dpo I started becoming really bloated and gassy(sorry tmi)
and my breasts got swollen and heavy and looked larger than usual for pre af.  The biggest indicator to me would be that I was generally very happy and positive after O which for me is not normal- when I pms I am usually very irritable and impatient.  Then for past 2 days and this morning ( since 9 dpo) I've had light cramping and pain and just felt achy and tired but not really able to sleep.  Yesterday I took clearblue digi and it said not pregnant but the wondfo looked like it had a faint line coming so I posted on glow and many agreed that my bfp was on its way.  Anxious (probably why I didn't sleep well) this morning I jumped out of bed and took a cvs brand digital and it said yes+, and bc I knew my husband still would be nervous about galse positives I took the clearblue digital and another wondfo and it says 1-2 weeks pregnant and wondfo has a darker line!!  .  
Words cannot express my gratitude and love for these apps idk how anyone could do this without the support of the community and tips from the apps- I have learned so much about my body and felt in control of my actions instead of just relying on chance- for all of you that have a job as does your spouse you know how difficult it is.  My spouse works random shifts as a doctor for 12 hours a day 60+ hrs a week and some months to bd on weeknights after a long day makes it torture.  This month he was motivated and I made sure he knew how much I appreciated his efforts and we did it!  Thanks glow and everyone who supported me through the over analyzing and worrying about af coming... Let's hope this baby sticks and I get to share my pregnancy journey now😂