JAN 17 In need of a cycle buddy; AF just ended today🙏🏻👶🏻

Anne • Mommy👱🏻💙Wife❤️ 09/10/12 & 07/28/2015 #SendintheBabydust🌈 👶🏻
Been TTC a little over a year. Had a medical abortion in November due to the baby having Down Syndrome we really been praying for our blessing to come. We already have our 4 year old son who's the biggest blessing and happiness in our life, he's been asking for a little brother/ or sister a lot so hopefully we will make him a big brother soon🤞🏻 
Recently just started using this app and about To start using the Early Response ovulation tests, hopefully I get some baby Dust sooner than later! Any advice will be helpful thanks & Good luck to all😊🌈🙏🏻👶🏻