first appointment 8 weeks?

I am currently visiting my sister in California but I live in Arizona. I found out I was pregnant a little over a week ago.. I'm 5 weeks 3 days and I found out at 4 weeks, me and my sister agreed the only way to get it confirmed was to go to the er here and I went and they confirmed it but were worried about an ectopic and told me to come back In 2 days to get my hcg levels retested and they went from 57 to 153.3 and I haven't had any major problems except for quite a bit of cramping up that is pretty extreme sometimes but no blood. I'm so worried about miscarriage and I'm not able to see my ob until I'm 8 weeks 3 days because that is when I'm coming back from vacation but it seems like a long time to not see a doctor. Does anyone have any advice.