He keeps throwing up!*rant*

My twins were born on 11/14/16 they started adding Neosure to their breast milk for added calories. Now at 2 months my boy Henry has started to throw up his milk. I dont mean just a little spit up, i mean Throw up! Its seems to sit ok for about 30mins after a feeding then its just everywhere comes out his nose all over his clothes, blankets and him. So i called the NICU they said its up to their pediatrician to switch them but the try Enfacare. So i got a can of it, hes been going strong on it for over a week now. Problem is doc doesnt want to change from the neosure even though its apparent that it was the issue. I have WIC so i need the docs ok to switch what i get from WIC. Why wont the doc budge? And to be honest little Claire hasn't been on the neosure for a week because she got a virus and I've been giving her strait breast.