Braxton hicks?..

Grace • Zion James 1/22/17, Kingston👼🏽 10/14/18, rainbow baby due December 19’🌈💕
I'm 39+4 and today was in L&D for three hours to monitor my BP. While I was doing that they also had the non stress test going and the TOCO monitor kept showing I was having contractions but I couldn't feel them. Well since I've been discharged my stomach keeps tightening up constantly, but no pain so I figure it's just Braxton hicks? I'm nervous I'm not going to know if I'm in labor lol and I'm having some sharp back pains and a really bad pulling pain in my right hip area. I was a 3 today and had a membrane sweep also but I haven't had any spotting from it just been loosing a little more of my plug 
*and the tightening is only the top half of my belly?