Anyone with a successful IV- and medication-free hospital birth story?

Before I explain this question further... I absolutely respect ALL types of births and birth preferences. The safe birth of my baby is my top priority, and should there be any medical need for more intensive medical interventions I will be understanding and cooperative. This question is posed under the assumption that this may be a low-risk birth. (Never a safe assumption, I know!)
A year ago yesterday I had to be induced to deliver our 20 week old stillborn baby boy. It was a missed miscarriage, and he had passed away a couple weeks prior because of a randomly-occurring chromosomal problem. This was traumatic in so many ways; he was our first baby, absolutely wanted and anticipated, and I had been planning to have a non-medicated water birth with midwives in a private rural birthing center. I had read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and was totally excited to trust my body to give birth in its own time in a quiet, loving environment.
Reality was a total 180: instead we were sent to a hospital we'd never been to, with a doctor we'd never met, immediately hooked to an IV, and induced to deliver a baby who would never take his first breath. It was my worst-case scenario.
While it was a heart-breaking couple of days, we were blessed with the most caring and wonderful nurses and our randomly assigned doctor was so warm and incredible. He took time to sit down and talk with us, understand our background, and respect our concerns about being in the hospital. The whole experience made me reconsider my opinion on hospital births.
Fast forward a year to today, and we're 16 weeks along with our rainbow baby! Praise God! I have been seeing the same OB who delivered our first baby and our plan is to deliver in the hospital (literally 5 blocks from our house).  Even though the part of my mind that was worried about a medical emergency situation has been put at ease by this decision, I have been reading a lot of hospital birth stories and have an increasing sense of anxiety that some of my birth preferences may be put in jeopardy.
Things like being induced (unless too far past due date or a medical necessity), having an IV, being mobile and allowed to labor in various positions, being constantly monitored, being offered pain medication without asking, delaying cord clamping and newborn cleaning/weighing (assuming baby is well on arrival), and delivering placenta without pitocin are things that mean a lot to me, but I'm afraid that hospital staff may roll their eyes if I roll in with a birth plan that's too "crunchy-granola." 
I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced a hospital birth where they were able to be mobile and active the whole time; sort of a home-birth-hospital-birth hybrid of sorts? I'm already looking into doulas and natural childbirth classes, but want to know if anyone has more advice on this. Like I said, the safety of baby is number one, but if possible, I want to give my body the best chance possible to do this on its own without interventions. Thanks for sharing ☺