Inducing Labor Naturally - Suggestions

I'm going on 39 weeks tomorrow an never once had practice contractions yet from a doctors visit when I was 36 weeks I was 1cm an my next check will be Tuesday.... I need advice on how to get things moving. I've Walked, gone up an down stairs, ate sweet & spicy foods, also got the ok from my doctors that I could use primrose oil, nipple stimulation (milk has fully come in) ..... it's just seems like she's scared to come out and I've talked to her an tried to tell her that is ok an that she'll be loved even more on the outside 😫😫😫😫 I'm going bat shit crazy over here an she won't listen 😭😭😭 I don't want them to induce me because I heard the contractions hurt more an I'm try to do this without an epidural (scared to death of it) any suggestions?