Braxton Hicks almost every time I stand up

Has anyone else been having excessive Braxton Hicks? I have anywhere from 30 to 50 per day even when I spend most of the day resting and lying down! Walking slowly for even a few minutes, grocery shopping or even standing up to pee brings them on most frequently but they happen when I'm doing nothing too. Some of them are pretty strong and uncomfortable and some of them are mild. Sometimes they feel like menstrual cramps but sometimes it's worse. My uterus gets so hard! My doctor isn't concerned at all, she doesn't care how close together they are or anything because my cervix is closed. But I wonder if it's ok to just be relatively active and just tough out the discomfort of a ton of contractions, or if that isn't so good for baby and I should try to lay around to minimize them as much as possible? I drink the recommended amount of water per day, so it isn't hydration related. FTM 31 weeks