NYE Birth Story

A few weeks has last now I figure I'd better share my birth story :) I was scheduled for an induction on NYE. I called L&D at 5 am and they told me to come in at 7:00. I had been having contractions throughout the night & was at 3cm when I arrived. They got me all hooked up by 9am. I was able to rest through the first few hours of labor. My doctor came at 1:30 to break my water. When he checked me I was at 4cm. He said that going from 4-7cm was going to take the longest. I kept walking through my contractions until I couldn't take it anymore. At 4:30 I got an epidural. A few minutes later the nurse was putting in my catheter,  my husband had stepped out of the room. I could feel myself about to pass out. My BP had dropped from 140 to 70. I was short of breath and needed to puke. I remember the nurse running into the hall telling another nurse to bring some drug. Then I remember my husband running into the room & telling me to open my eyes. At that point I was puking into a bag and completely out of it. Whatever she put in my IV helped me come back but my BP stayed really low for a while. We had to keep monitoring baby as he didn't like this dip in my BP. The nurse later told me that the anestesiologist had given me too big of an initial dose. After that things went soothly. I layed on my side with a peanut ball between my legs. At about 6:45 I started to feel pressure. The doctor had said he was 15 minutes out so let him know. There had been a big snowstorm all day so it was gonna take time. The nurse checked me and I was at a 10 & baby was starting to come down the birth canal. I had to lay on my side with my legs together & wait for the doctor to come. He came at about 7:00. When he got there he checked me & said baby was right there. I waited for a contraction and with the first push the baby's head appeared. I then pushed through 5 contractions and after the 5th one baby was out. It was very peaceful. They put him right on my chest for the first hour. He latched on right away and barely cried. After an hour they measured him and he was 7 lbs 7oz and 20.5 inches long. Overall it was a really great labor.