TTC x 5yrs

Hi All, 
This is long but hopefully I can shorten it to hopefully get some feedback.  I'm 36yrs old (going on 37 in a couple months!) and I've been married for over 5 yrs.  my husband had a vasectomy just shy of 3 months before we had met and he was very open and honest about it after things were getting serious between us.  He has 1 son and had a nasty divorce which prompted him to have the surgery.  
He had a vasectomy reversal shortly after we got married in 2012.  He has sperm and motility. I have PCOS and and my periods have always been jacked up. Here lately since I've been taking prenatal vitamins it has improved.  We've been to fertility dr.  Which turned out to be a quack. Only meds I have been on is the highest dose of Clomid and tried one cycle of <a href="">IUI</a> and the dr kept saying <a href="">IVF</a> is best option.  But in my gut I feel he wasn't willing to work with us on finding out what medicine would help me ovulate, etc.  I want to try different fertility specialists but my husband is afraid it will stress me out even more and my hopes get shattered all over again.  And <a href="">IVF</a> is sooo expensive and it's not guaranteed.  Please help