baby's breech .. I'm 33w 2d I'm scared ..

Martha • Hi I'm Martha!! Mother of a handsome 7 year old boy and pregnant with a baby boy! Blessed!! ❤️👦🏻👶🏻
So.. I really don't want to get a c-section i preffer to have a natural unmediated birth.. baby's still breech .. its there any possibility that the baby will reach the right position by the time he decides to come?? Anyone have had the same experience?? Did your baby turn at the last minute?? Any advice anyone?? Pleaseee!!! Why I don't want a c-section? Bec I have no family around.. just my husband and my 7 year old husband said he will be taking a week off but idk yet..he's gonna have to go back to work anyways.. but I've heard that the recovery takes some time.. that's why I'm kinda freaking out about it..