Clomid symptoms or pregnant or just sick?!?

I need advice from those that have taken Clomid... I took Clomid beginning 12/28/16 for 5 days following a D&C and lap. I began it without waiting to start my period, per my doctor's instructions. On 1/7/17-1/9/17 I had some spotting, a dip in BBT, and then a BBT increase that has not gone down since (it is 1/22/17). Beginning 1/18/17, I began experiencing nausea and actually vomited, though this is not entirely uncommon for me due to allergies, etc. On 1/21/17, I had the worst lower backache I've ever had and could not get warm, even under 3 blankets with a heating pad, though my temp remained steady. Today, 1/22/17, I am so congested that it's making me vomit, and I cannot eat. I have had a decreased appetite since around 1/15/17. I have not had a period since my surgery on 12/21/16, but a regular cycle is not something I would expect right away, as I was on continuous birth control for years. I guess my question is, how long after taking Clomid will the symptoms occur? It's been 3 weeks since I began it. I have not received a positive pregnancy test, but I had a chemical pregnancy that did not show on home tests back in August of 2016. I plan to call my doctor tomorrow, but I am miserable. I can't decide if these are weird pregnancy symptoms, actual flu, or Clomid. Has anyone else experienced this with Clomid?
I should also add that I have really terrible acne/flaky skin right now (I usually have pretty even skin and rarely need/wear makeup), and my hair has not fallen out in the shower lately (I usually lose around 1-2 handfuls).